We always send our service-related emails from '.'.

Track downloads Know the minute your transfer is downloaded and the name behind every click. And with 1 TB of storage, why stop there Share a ton of your work and control every detail of how it’s donefrom how people receive your files to how long they stay online. Step 2 :Go to the address bar and type and hit Enter wetransfer-goto-sec. With WeTransfer Pro you can send up to 200 GB of files in one go.
We've updated the name for our paid service, from 'WeTransfer Plus' to 'WeTransfer Pro'. How to transfer files using WeTransfer wetransfer-open. Firefox Send is one of the few file-sharing services that support end-to-end encryption. You can also specify an expiration date for these files, after which they will be automatically deleted. You can use this service to send a single file without having to worry about adding someone to your contact list. If the email mentions 'WeTransfer Plus' - disregard it. Just like WeTransfer, Firefox Send doesnt ask you to create an account. WeTransfer enables you to securely share files online without creating an account.

When clicking transfer, the upload to the WeTransfer service. If the transfer isn't from someone you know or an obvious fake, don't use the download link. The next time you send a file using WeTransfer and you want to protect yourself and others from fraud and malicious behavior, simply use CodeNotary and add the following to the description text: You only need to provide a sender and a receiver email address, the file(s) and some optional text.